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AA 2100MAH NIMH 4-BL Varta (56706) RTU

The Varta ready2use combine the advantages of a primary cell (non-rechargeable battery) with advantages of a secondary cell (rechargeable battery). The batteries come charged in the packaging thus you can immediately use them. Furthermore course of the low discharge rate they can offer a stock reaction like alkaline batteries. After 6 months of storage, up to 80% of the battery power is still present. Advantages: - low discharge rate (365 days standby Power) - packed fully charged (immediiately to use) - rechargeable NiMH technology (1000 cycles)
Voir la description
Prix unitaire HT dont 0,09€ HT d' éco-part
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Vendu et expédié par
3.7/5 (27)
Expédié sous 5 joursLivraison offerte
Garantie légale


ID 4008496550692

The Varta ready2use combine the advantages of a primary cell (non-rechargeable battery) with advantages of a secondary cell (rechargeable battery). The batteries come charged in the packaging thus you can immediately use them. Furthermore course of the low discharge rate they can offer a stock reaction like alkaline batteries. After 6 months of storage, up to 80% of the battery power is still present. Advantages: - low discharge rate (365 days standby Power) - packed fully charged (immediiately to use) - rechargeable NiMH technology (1000 cycles)

Toutes les offres

Vendu et expédié par
4.57/5 (277)
En stock
Expédié sous 3 jours, frais de port à partir de 4,58 € HT
9,02€ HT
Livraison Offerte
Vendu et expédié par
3.67/5 (43)
En stock
Expédié sous 1 jour
14,17€ HT